Entry 4:


21st of July 2023.

I just woke up from a very strange dream. Excuse the lack of correct punctuation it is 2:50AM and I just want to get this down before i forget.

I was like, driving to a college or uni or some kind of school for whatever reason (i can't drive), but idk i don't think it was like going there yet i think it was like a thing where you can show up there and just have a look around if you want to decide to enrol there , and then i drove down like a huge road until i got to a train station in the middle of nowhere where the car stopped working and i had to push it into the parking area. there were like 10 other people or something going there as well who were at the train station. Then after a while we got on some train, it's hard to remember details but i remember the station name the train was ending at had something to do with bones in it but idk what. Sorry it's like hard to remember a lot of it. So when i got out of the train with like a bunch of other people the big like school building was right there outside the station in the middle of nowhere and we all walked inside, and then inside were like 2 staff members i think? it was like one old balding guy and some younger woman with short hair, and i remember the woman got upset since i wasn't dressed formally like everyone else so everyone else went somewhere else while i got taken to a weird other room somewhere. Then the old guy came there as well. in the room there were a bunch of like. big wooden block peices, like wooden cubes, arches, triangles, like the blocks that young children might play with but they were like, a lot larger and unpainted just plain wood. And the the old guy started saying some weird shit about architecture and the woman kept taking bits of like woodglue or something llike that and putting it on some smaller block things and trying to like, stick them to my hands and arms, and i was like upset by that so i kept telling her like "what the fuck" and to stop doing that and that you shouldn't put glue on people's skin, "i said like what the fuck you can't do this" and said that i can like report them to authorities or sue them or whatever for that, then i was given some like, big blue flower, and told to hold it in both hands and raise it up like some weird cult thing and idk it's hard to remember what i did but i remember just kind of playing with it or something. Then i like, passed out and appeared in a weird basement or something, or at least it was a dark room with like, brick walls, it looked like a classic dungeon or something, and i was chained to the wall with my arms. And like, this part is really fucking wierd even compared to everything else, so at this point i like, became lain? like idk how else to explain it i was just lain, and in front of me where i was chained to the wall on like a strange raised stage area was everyone else watching holding up the blue flower above their heads. Then i like, died, i don't remember how sorry my memory of this is weird, but like, after i died, like 5 other lains started appearing in the corridor outside that room, and like, crawling out of the venilation shafts and stuff, and i was one of them, and i think one of the pepople in the room started shooting at us while we tried to get closer, and each time one fell and died i'd like move into the conviousness of the next one. and then eventually i like, didn't die but just collapsed and i remember specifically like laying on the floor drooling and unable to move for like 5 minutes, and then i like zoomed out and i was a different lain, sitting in a living room somewhere with a group of people, basically asking if they saw what i just saw, and they all said they did and that they'd like begin planning the attack on those people. and then i woke up.

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